Development of modern agriculture and its harmful effects
The earth is polluted by (illness, mold, poor harvest),
We cannot give the answer with current farming methods.
Rather than modern farming, where yields are decreasing year by year,
Focusing on the past good harvest mechanism,
If the cause can be clarified, it is gentle to nature and the human body.
I believe that it could be used as a "new technology".

Shrine Rope Represents Lightning

It is said that the reason for offering Shimenawa to the shrine is to pray for a good harvest.
  Horizontal ropes are clouds, thin straws are rain, and jagged paper is lightning.
Because it is a good harvest due to thunder, it is written as a lightning bolt, "lightning bolt" rice plants around the crop grows around and people who see it feel something sacred to the lightning and imitate lightning on the rope Was incorporated. And prayed for a good harvest!
Since the Jomon period 10,000 years ago, thunder is the god of God and wishes for a good harvest festival. He continued to convey it to the present age.

After researching and elucidating important messages from our ancestors, we will convey them as new technologies in the next era.


Return The Earth Project is a project launched by Japan Agricultural New Science and Technology Corporation in 2020 with the aim of making modern agriculture, which is in decline due to environmental degradation, conflicts, population growth, and a decline in the number of young people working in agriculture, a sustainable and attractive new type of agriculture anywhere in the world.

In recent years, declining food yields, skyrocketing prices, and pharmaceutical-soaked foodstuffs have become problems around the world. In the near future we will certainly face an era of food decline. Instead of using modern farming methods, which are decreasing in yield year by year, we are focusing on the past harvest mechanism and introducing this new technology to the Asian agricultural region, which is of global importance as a new technology that is friendly to both nature and the human body. It also aims to lead and pass on traditional agriculture, ecosystems, landscapes, customs, and other cultural elements to a new type of agriculture that can be harmonized without destroying them.

With the support of four strong advisors, we have been able to smoothly expand into countries and regions where it was previously difficult to enter. (International finance, global marketing, major oil manufacturer, major agricultural corporation)

Return The Earth Project will start in Japan and be systematically implemented throughout Asia and the rest of the world.

ZEUS-POWER" is a good choice for the mold that is spreading all over the world now. It's so effective, and the biggest benefit is. The immediate effect is not to make the fungus produce antibodies. In addition, "BACTERIA-POWER" is also harmless to the human body. It produces crops that are much safer than conventional farming methods.




Using our products at a large plant in China Start of the test.

Discovery of a mechanism by which plants can easily absorb nutrients. Product development started.

We are now developing products that will work anywhere and anytime in the world.

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Pop-up notifications of tasks you tend to forget!

Simply enter the "area", "crop" and "planting date" after registering in the app.
"When", "Where" and "How much" are displayed on the calendar for easy management.

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Map function added

The icon is displayed on the map, the "what crop" is being cultivated in "where", and the management function has been upgraded.

Sri Lanka has banned the cultivation of corn due to a mass worm outbreak in March 2019.
However, with the government's permission, ZEUS-POWER and BACTERIA-POWER have been tested for insect resistance. I was able to keep them away from the farm, even though I couldn't kill the insects.
The damage has reached a shippable level despite no pesticides.

The results of the experiment are now available.

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